The Equation for Contentment Function
Contentment in life is a function of following factors:
1. Imaginary part -- expectations, desires, wishlist etc etc
2. Phase of life (will explain it later)
3. Progression of Life
These factors are related through Euler's formula as:
Progression of Life = eiθ
eiθ = cosθ + i sinθ -- (Euler's Forumla)
Plot of this function looks as follows:

θ, is the most significant determinant of the outcome. θ, is the phase difference w.r.t benchmark criterion in life. Benchmark criterion is individual specific, and in most common ways defined by peers of the individual.
Real part of this function is Contentment.
Few important corollaries:
1. Expectation and reality always differ in phase. (sin θ and cos θ differ by 90 deg)
2. Your life will always revolve around center point in real and imaginary domain.
3. Radius of circle will always be one.
4. Your satisfaction levels will depend upon your confirmity with your benchamark criterion.
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